Pueraria Mirifica is one of the most effective breast enlargement herbs of our time. Many women opt for Pueraria Mirifica rather than any other breast enlargement herb because Pueraria Mirifica is the only plant that contains Miroestrol which is bio-identical to the human hormone estriol.
Pueraria Mirifica is also fairly inexpensive and there are many happy women with bigger breasts as a results of using Pueraria Mirifica. But before you run out and get yourself a bottle of Pueraria Mirifica, here are some Do’s and Don’ts to help you get the most our of your Pueraria Mirifica routine.[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DON’T start taking Pueraria Mirifica as soon as you receive your bottle” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]The tendency when trying something new is to start it as soon as you get it. Not such a good idea with Pueraria Mirifica or any other herbal breast enlargement pill. There are 3 ways that you can take Pueraria Mirifica, two of which are based on your menstrual cycle. They are based on your menstrual cycle because it helps to keep with the normal rhythms/hormonal fluctuations of your body. So depending on which way you decide to take Pueraria Mirifica, you may have to wait until your period starts or ends before you can start taking it.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DO start with a lower dose and work your way up” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]With any herbal breast enlargement pill, you want to ramp up. This means starting out with a dose lower than recommended then working your way up to a full dose over a period of a week or two. So the first day you might take 1 pill then a few days later take 2 pills per day, then after a few more days take 3 pills per day and so on and so forth until you have reached the desired dosage for your routine. The reason for ramping up is so that your body can adjust to the supplement and not get overloaded.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DON’T mix Pueraria Mirifica with other phytoestrogenic herbs” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]Pueraria Mirifica is the most potent phytoestrogenic herb out there. There is no need to add another phytoestrogen to your routine and it is generally not recommended. You can overload your body with estrogen and it won’t respond to the herbs as it should or you could get unwanted side effects like dizziness and nausea.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DO take with calcium” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]It is recommended that you take a daily calcium supplement or drink plenty of milk daily while taking Pueraria Mirifica. It is believed that calcium helps with absorption of Pueraria Mirifica and makes it more potent.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DON’T use Pueraria Mirifica for extended periods of time” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]It is recommended that you take breaks while on Pueraria Mirifica so that your body can reset. This means stopping all supplements and products related to your breast enlargement routine for a week or so. General rule is for every 3-4 months of use, you’ll want to take a week off or whenever you feel you’ve hit a breast enlargement plateau. This gives the body time to reset your estrogen receptors which can get overloaded and not respond to the Pueraria Mirifica as it should. Many NBE’ers do a Milk Thistle Cleanse while on their break.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DO Massage while on Pueraria Mirficia” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]Massage is essential to any breast enlargement routine. This goes for Pueraria Mirifica as well. Some recommend massaging with a Pueraria Mirifica cream, serum or spray for an extra boost while others believe that it is not necessary to massage with a PM product just as long as you massage.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”DON’T get wild harvested Pueraria Mirifica” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”white” excerpt_length=”0″ include_excerpt_html=”no”]You would think getting a product in it’s wild, natural state would be best but this is not the case with Pueraria Mirifica. One reason – there are many varieties of Pueraria Mirifica and the only way to tell the difference is when they are flowering, which is generally a two week window. So there’s a chance that the product you are getting might not actually be Pueraria Mirifica or at least the Pueraria Mirifica with breast enhancing properties you’re looking for. There are also many factors that dictate the potency of PM and farm cultivating can help manage these factors. We’ll discuss farmed vs wild Pueraria Mirifica in our next post.[/toggle]
[highlight]CREDIT[/highlight] : [ilink url=”www.growbreastsnaturally.com/pueraria-mirifica-dos-and-donts.html”]www.growbreastsnaturally.com[/ilink]